Monday, October 5, 2015

Hillary Clinton Gun Control - Her Golden Opportunity

by Martin Gonzalez

Just days after the tragic shooting in a classroom of the Umpqua Community College at Roseburg, Oregon, Hillary Clinton used the occasion of this horrific, deadly human event to announce a series of gun control measures that would include abolishing legislation that protects firearms manufacturers, distributors, and dealers from being sued by shooting victims.

Today, while at a rally in New Hampshire, Hillary Clinton also promised to, by presidential fiat, take unilateral action to expand background checks at gun shows.

During an interview on NBC's Today Show, Clinton also called for stricter regulations over online firearms sales.

"I am going to get those guns out of people's hands", said Clinton adding that her gun control plan includes "common sense proposals" to combat what she described as an "epidemic of gun violence".

But, here's the thing. Here's the nagging truth. More gun control simply does not equal saving more lives. If Hillary Clinton really cared about saving lives she'd start out by defunding Planned Parenthood.

Last year, according to the CDC, over 500,000 abortions were performed. Over the same period the same CDC reported that nearly 40,000 deaths occurred due to gun violence. That's a ratio of:

[ 12:1 ] 

In other words, every year, for every one person killed by gun violence, 12 people are killed by abortion.

Here's another stubborn fact: Right now, today, nearly 400 million people live in the USA. Hillary and all of her elitist liberals want gun control to save statistically speaking, less than 1/100th of one percent of the total population of our country - Yes. for those of you doing the math, that's 40,000 people.

Hillary's gun control plan is hardly proactive or impactful. If it's about "saving lives" Hillary and her ilk would do much better to put greater restrictions on Planned Parenthood.

It's estimated that nearly one in three American own a firearm. Hah! The truth is that number is much higher but most people would never admit to owning a gun, for whatever reason, so as not to give the bad guys an unfair tactical advantage. In this case, the word government could be substituted for bad guys.

So, estimating gun ownership at nearly 200 million people, here's what Hillary is proposing. 1) throwing out the US Constitution so that she can 2) compromise the safety and security of one's self, family, home, property, opportunities, and all other rights.

The insidious part of her do-gooder, gun control plan is that she knows full well that gun control does nothing to save lives. For proof, just look at the state's with the strictest gun control laws such as Illinois, Maryland, California, and Oregon.

Remember, the 2nd Amendment was created and exists: for self-defense, to repel invasion, and to prevent tyranny.

Hillary's gun control plan by executive order is tyranny.

Sources: The CDC, The BBC, Fox News Politics, ABC News, and the Associated Press.

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